Teacher Testimonials

“The thing I have found best about being an ECT at Larkmead is the support that you receive not only from your mentor, but from teachers and SLT as well. Everyone is very approachable and always make time to discuss best practice, lesson ideas and give advice and their experience of specific classes and students. There is a real sense of community in the school, with students often looking out for one another across the school.”
Humanities teacher
ECT 2021-23

“Being an ECT at Larkmead involves a whole host of support - both behind the scenes and when you need in most, in the classroom. Teaching at Larkmead in general means “family” – this school is a community and it feels exactly like its tagline advertises.”
Science teacher
ect 2021-23

“At Larkmead, I feel well supported by my mentor and induction tutor. I know there is always someone I can talk to if I need any support. Larkmead feels like a community – teachers and students greet each other in the corridors, and we are lucky enough to have a leadership team that takes the time to check in with you and say hello. I have worked at other schools that don't have the same level of care.”
Humanities teacher
ECT 2021-23