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Sixth form

At Larkmead we are particularly proud of the all-round education that our students enjoy. Our aim is that all students will leave Larkmead Sixth Form with excellent academic outcomes,  emotional intelligence and the skills needed for them to be successful in the next stage of their life, whether that be in higher education, further study, apprenticeships or employment. The basis of this success is built on not just high expectations of both teaching staff and students, but in a belief in a strong home – school – student partnership; there is a relentless expectation of high standards of effort and conduct and any slippage is addressed quickly and effectively. Above all the Larkmead Sixth Form is a caring community in which each individual is valued, and the pastoral care is second to none.

The range of courses that we offer is constantly improving and developing and this is done in partnership with the other Abingdon schools to ensure that students are offered as rich and broad a curriculum as possible. We also offer opportunities for students to exercise responsibility in the school community and to participate in extracurricular activities that will aid personal growth and development. A high percentage of our Sixth Form students progress to university with large numbers being the first members of their families to do so. Many other students take up higher level apprenticeships in well-known organisations such as BMW, Microsoft, National Grid and the Civil Service.

Our students are encouraged to support younger students through the KS3 Reading programme, by supporting younger students in lessons, working with more vulnerable students as peer mentors as well as organising social events such as discos. Students also involve themselves in other activities, such as the Young Enterprise Scheme, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, Investor Challenge, Maths and Science Olympiads, sports fixtures, academic talks as well as a wide range of trips and excursions. These opportunities provide our students with a sense of community, responsibility as well as developing their self-confidence and leadership skills.

In 2024, we updated our curriculum to include dedicated, timetabled sessions to promote volunteering, reading for pleasure, PE and wellbeing

Much of 6th form life beyond the classroom is managed by the 6th form itself and the students vote for a Senior Team from which a Head and Deputy Head student are chosen. The Senior Team are responsible for the managements of the common room, servery and their own social programme. They also organise sporting fixtures, the annual pantomime, a Christmas and Summer Ball, as well as raising monies for charities. Additionally there are also key events in the year when the Head and Deputy Head student are called upon to support the work of the school.


“I will look back on Larkmead as a place that not only helped me to develop academically but also mentally and prepared me for my next step in life.”

"I have genuinely never felt so supported in my studies and development as a person. The combination of a uniquely connected student-teacher relationship and a constant productive, friendly and sociable atmosphere really makes the Sixth Form an exciting place you want to be in”.

“Morale is always high in our Sixth Form, a direct result of the diverse and vibrant group of passionate students that we feel embodies the school motto - ‘One community, individual minds, creating futures’.”

“Larkmead Sixth Form has provided me with innumerable opportunities, both in and out of school. From singing in the amazing Coventry Cathedral to going to see our set plays in English Literature performed live, the extra-curricular activities are what really set Larkmead apart. The opportunity to partake in activities that supplement my A-Level studies has really helped me find interest in my subjects. On top of all this, the teacher commitment, level of teaching and support available really allowed me to thrive and grow as a person.”  

“Larkmead Sixth Form is definitely hard work and requires perseverance, but the experiences and opportunities it gives you are invaluable. On top of this, the teachers are constantly pushing you to do your best and are always ready to help you with anything and support you whenever you might need it.”

“The opportunity to spend time with lower years is something Larkmead encourages, whether it’s a reading project or peer mentor support. Overall it was an incredible experience and really helped all of us to engage with the future community of Larkmead and be able to motivate them to really make the most of their time here. Seeing the Year 7’s enjoy their life and thrive at Larkmead really highlighted to me how far I have come at this school and how none of it would have been possible without the incredible community of teachers and students.”

“Larkmead 6th form is welcoming, fun and has excellent teaching. The staff care about each student personally and give up so much of their time to ensure that we, as students, are always prioritised. During my time, teaching staff would always find time to answer questions and bring the best out of me. There is a perfect balance of intensity and fun, allowing for a learning environment that ensures individuals feel at ease whilst also developing themselves.”

“The progress I have made, jobs I have secured and person I am is without doubt because of Larkmead 6th Form and I would recommend it to everyone I could.”



The current entry criteria for Larkmead 6th form is at least 5 GCSE’s or their equivalent, at grades 9 to 4, together with excellent records of attendance and behaviour.

The majority of students will be offered a 2 year, 3 subject ‘A’ level option package. However some students will be allowed to take 4 (or 5) subjects, where it is felt to be appropriate and where there is an already viable subject with capacity available. Before making any final decisions about choice of courses, students are offered an induction programme, face to face discussions with subject specialists and if required 1:1 discussions with the Director of Learning

The AS programme will no longer be offered to most students. The exception to this will be where a student indicates, by the end of term 2, that they either intend to leave school at the end of year 12 or drop a course. These students will be offered the AS exam option but students will need to undertake a reasonable amount of independent study if they are to be successful.

For students joining the Sixth Form without a grade 5 in either GCSE Maths or English, lessons will be put on to help students improve their grades. For students who already have achieved a grade 4, they will be strongly advised to retake the exams, but for students without a grade 4 in either subject, this will be a compulsory part of their academic programme.

Running alongside the academic programme that students will follow are other elements of our curriculum. All students will follow a Complementary Studies programme as well as a Personal Development Curriculum. Within these programmes students will cover topics that fit under the following headings:

Physical and mental wellbeing; Keeping myself and my friends safe; Careers; Study skills; Developing my values and my character; Current affairs

All year 12 students undertake a week of charitable work during Make A Difference Week with other opportunities for work experience being offered to students who have either reduced timetables or who need particular experiences in order to progress in a chosen field once they leave school.

Details of the subjects Larkmead offer can be found by clicking on the button below. 

academic and pastoral

All students are part of a tutor group made up of students from both year 12 and year 13. Students register with their tutor twice a day and in this time, they foster strong relationships with their tutor. Support is also available from the Director of Learning, our highly experienced Sixth Form learning mentor and dedicated Sixth Form Student Manager School Nurse and the school’s Pastoral Support Department as and when it is needed. Additionally the school has access to counselling support and works closely with The Abingdon Bridge.

In terms of academic support, all students have at least 2 fixed assessment and monitoring points in each academic year, which provides parents and students with up to date information on progress and attitude to learning. In addition to this there are 2 Parents’ Evenings and information evenings. Where a student falls below the expected standard additional support and monitoring will be provided either by the Tutor, Learning Mentor, Student Manager or the Director of Learning, which may take the form of extra study periods, mentoring or parental meetings.

exam results

At Larkmead we are rightly proud of all of our students’ academic achievements. Our examination results are always at least in line with national expectations and very often above, demonstrating progress above expectation. Our more able students produce outstanding results leading to them securing places at both Oxbridge and Russell Group universities.

careers and student destinations

Virtually all students leaving school do so with a clear career path, with a majority of students progressing to university and many others taking up higher level apprenticeships. Careers support is offered to all students regardless of their intended destination.  All students applying to university will have at least two, but often many more, one-to-one sessions with the Director of Learning who will support them in their application. Students not applying to university will all have at least one appointment with an independent careers advisor, currently one of the Adviza team. Additional support also comes from the school’s own careers specialist Mrs Christiansen who works with students on a regular basis to help them find opportunities as well as helping them complete CV’s and application forms.

We are very proud of the range of subjects and courses that last year’s year 13 students have gone on to study at university.

83% of students have places at university with a further 11% planning on applying for a 2025 university place. All other students are currently in local employment or apprenticeships.

Of the students who have either started university this autumn or who have confirmed places for a deferred start in 2025, nearly 50% of students have places at Russell Group universities.

Our current Year 13 are finalising their UCAS applications, with 15% seeking places at Oxbridge or early entry Medical courses. 

Some of the areas of study that have proved to most popular with Larkmead students are in the fields of Business, Finance and Economics, Humanities based subjects, Maths and other STEM subjects, Media, Film and other creative areas such as Dance, Acting and musical Theatre.

lessons and private study

Most lessons are classroom based and for most subjects students will receive 9 hours a fortnight of classroom teaching; this means that most students will have a number of periods per week when they do not have a lesson commitment. Students' timetables are carefully designed to ensure they have adequate in-school study time in the form of supervised private study sessions. These are supervised by our Sixth Form student manager. A dedicated study area and Sixth Form computer room provide a quiet environment for productive, independent study. In addition, study areas are available in the LRC (Learning Resource Centre) and silent study rooms.  For some students who struggle to manage their time and work commitments, they will be directed to particular areas of the school where they are expected to study. It should also be noted that students are expected to do at least 6 hours per subject per week of independent study beyond the classroom.

This will include 4 hours of directed study in the form of home for each subject.

beyond the classroom

Often some of the most memorable learning experiences students have occur beyond the classroom and at Larkmead to try to enrich every students learning experience by providing these additional opportunities. Some of the activities our students took part in are pictured below.

  • Work experience
  • London & the Design Museum
  • New York – VPA
  • Geography Field Trip
  • Mock Uni Day
  • High Sheriff /Law Lecture
  • Photography trip London
  • University visits
  • Pantomime
  • Cooking skills
  • Ski Trip

New for 2024, we have introduced timetabled sessions to encourage physical activity, volunteering, reading for pleasure and wellbeing.