Remote Learning
Larkmead School COVID-19 Remote Education Strategy – January 2021
- What is remote learning?
- Remote learning is teaching, activities and content assigned for students to complete when they cannot access the classroom during a period of lockdown or self-isolation as a result of COVID-19.
- The work will take the form of specific tasks or wider/general practice and project work which may take a number of lessons’ worth of time to complete.
- Work follows our curriculum and supports the development of students’ knowledge and skills.
- What should students and parents expect from remote learning?
The DfE expectation as of 7/1/21 is that “remote education will include both recorded or live direct teaching time, and time for students to complete tasks and assignments independently.” For students in Years 7-11 this is five hours a day. All students will follow their daily timetable of morning registration and lessons. They will be supported as follows:
- Live lessons – Delivered face to face via TEAMS, featuring an element of teaching, discussion and questioning.
- Online lessons – Delivered via TEAMS and email. Online support is available during lesson time for some discussion and for teachers to answer questions about the task/activities set using TEAMS or Satchel One.
- Independent study – tasks and activities are set on TEAMS or Satchel One and are designed to be completed individually with timeframes for tasks provided.
The curriculum and activities will be sequenced, and the variety in learning importantly reflects what happens in the classroom. Students will receive individual or whole class updates from their subject teacher every week as part of the support across a unit of work that will help them to succeed and progress. How much of each type of learning a student receives will depend on their year group and the subject (e.g. PE lessons will not be live but activities will be set).
Year 11,12,13 |
These year groups will receive most of their lessons live, with targeted online lessons to support independent work. While we await details of the government plan for GCSE and A Level assessment in 2021 it is particularly important that Year 11 and 13 continue to attend all lessons and complete all assignments, as this will support their centre-assessed grades. |
Year 9 & 10 |
Year 9 are in their gateway year to GCSE study and Year 10 are following their GCSE course. Over half of their lessons will be as live/online, with time between these for independent study. |
Year 7 & 8 |
These year groups are learning core knowledge and key skills. They will get live/online input for at least one third of their lessons. This may take the form of launching a topic, set of tasks or project and then monitoring progress and learning. |
- How will students access remote learning?
All year groups will have access to remote learning through Satchel One, TEAMS or direct email. It is vital for students and teachers that school emails, Satchel One and TEAMS calendars are updated and checked every day.
- Satchel One shares specific time-bound tasks, with links and resources which appear in a calendar format.
- TEAMs enables the delivery of live lessons and online learning, where resources, web links and videos provide variety and choice for students. Learning checklists and exam questions may be added to support progress.
- Email is a core communication tool for communicating work, progress and feedback.
- Student welfare
Student wellbeing is at the heart of the Larkmead community. Students will attend a daily morning session with their tutor as a register and welfare check. Engagement with remote learning will be regularly monitored. We will reward and recognise students for their hard work and achievement. We have clear behaviour expectations. Concerns about attendance, behaviour or engagement will be shared with the Director of Learning and parents. The school’s safe-guarding responsibilities remain in place.
Research and experience highlights the importance of variety in remote learning to prevent the fatigue that comes with prolonged screen-based work. It is important that students take their breaks and get fresh air and exercise in line with any lockdown or self-isolation restrictions. PE lessons will be one such opportunity. If parents have concerns about their child’s engagement or wellbeing, or any issues with accessing the curriculum, they should please contact the teacher or tutor directly.
- Progress Checks
Students (principally mostly in Year 9-13) will have access to a personal learning checklist which will help them record their progress during a unit of work. They will also receive general feedback weekly based on tasks completed.
Assessments will be varied, including online tests, short written questions, problem solving activities. They can include some aspects of student self-review, students using mark schemes and direct teacher feedback. Our marking policy indicates feedback on formally assessed work should be provided as follows:
- Year 7 – 8: once per term using examples of assessment above
- Year 9 – 10: twice per term using the examples of assessment above
- Year 11, 12 and 13 based on stage of preparation for exams and formal assessment
- Supporting Learning
A wide range of links and websites are available as tiles on Workspace 365, including:
- The Oak Academy -
- BBC Bitesize -
- During the lockdown period beginning 5/1/21 the BBC will be broadcasting educational content
- Subject tiles on Workspace 365
Depending upon the duration of a lockdown period, parents will be contacted to collect a range of printed/additional material, including student exercise books, printed worksheets, workbooks or textbooks.
Top tips for students and parents
We know that remote learning presents challenges for students and parents, as well as for teachers who may be teaching their usual classes or supporting lockdown school while also being responsible for students not in school.
Student actions – please… |
Parent actions – please… |
We hope that this strategy supports students and parents to make remote learning as stress-free and successful as possible.